Thursday, May 28, 2009

Words written on paper

Rupert age 6 (he was with his family 5 1/2 yrs) One of six who have gone to the Bridge.
People often wonder why I am so adamant about my dogs safety, where I live, how I live. This story will explain all. Rural Clackamas County is a wonderful place to live if you are a responsible owner of canines like mine, Pierce County, WA is not. These are not my animals, they were the furkids of a dear friend.

Words written on paper…

Sorrow disbelief, and frustration fill my heart. A rule, words written on paper have caused the intentional death of 6 beings. Their only crime was carrying the bloodline of recent wolf heritage. They lived in secure containments, and were cared for by responsible owners.

The animals themselves were all rescues of one sort or another. Saved from unfortunate situations and brought to safely and a loving home in a rural setting. Each one had a story, each one special and unique.

In the 10 years there were wolfdogs on the property there had been not one neighbor complaint, no escapes, no bites, no threat to the community. Just a family of people and animals dedicated to loving and living, a reward for past abuse.

I really had to stop and think isn’t that why legislation is written? To make sure animals are contained, cared for, while posing no problem to surrounding property owners? The spirit of the law was kept, the letter wasn’t, couldn’t be. There is no way to legally register and license an illegal animal. Sadly had there been written proof these guys were 10.5 years old or older they would have been legal by description, and not classified as dangerous animals. All requirements could have been met. This because of a grandfather clause included when the law was adopted. As the fates would have it they were 10 and under, and having been rescued there is no proof of even that.

Words written on paper, a decision made in Pierce County WA in 1999 pre-determined these animals were dangerous. Interestingly in the same year the Oregon State Vet did an extensive investigation and determined that wolfdogs are no more dangerous than any large breed canine, and the same good citizenship should and would be required by both. That remains the standard of the state to this day. There is no way to justify the decision made by a political committee in WA but their words, their prejudice, and their power put on paper caused the death of 6 innocent beings. The Commissioners legacy is a sad and ignoble one.

One day last week a worker cutting brush for the BPA visually invaded private property that had been hidden from view. What he saw were 6 wolfy looking canines. They didn’t threaten him, or probably even see him. This “rule keeper”, felt compelled to do what no one who lives in the area had done in 10 years. He alerted Animal Control. I wasn’t his business, but his determination to be a whistle blower created a situation that ended in death and loss.

Friday Animal Control paid a visit, after they left with their intimidations, accusations, and threats the pack seemed to know what lay ahead. They were relaxed but subdued. Tails moved side to side, eyes watched their family, and they knew. At the same time there was an assurance they seemed to communicate, “its okay, we understand, we’ll be fine, don’t worry”. Decisions had to be made, AC would be returning on Tuesday to review documents, documents that didn’t exist. Rather than face darting, forced confiscation, incarceration, and the routine sentence of death for dangerous “hybrid” canines the family made a choice. It would be a peaceful leaving. Surrounded by those whose love they had shared for much of their lives. They were held, good byes were said, tears were shed, and they were released with respect to the bridge.

Where there once had been happy animals there is now a 10ft grave that will be planted with wildflowers. Six crosses painted white will bear a ceramic, wolf print plaque. Each name, Grimalkin, Falcon, Hunter, Jessie, Patience, and Rupert will be held in memory

This tragedy did nothing to make the community safer, it was never in danger. This madness of creating laws that are written to further organizational agendas has to stop. It is time to take a stand, create the vocal community that says NO MORE!! We will not have our families torn apart, by knee jerk politicians. I don’t know how, but I know when. And the time is NOW!!!!! It’s time to come together and create good to replace this terrible wrong.

Please when you give your support to HSUS and other animal rights groups your money is going directly to support breed specific legislation (bsl), the legislation that created this mindless law. Don't do it, give your support to your local Humane Society, they never see a dime from the national group. Animal Welfare is the goal not animals rights adgendas that seek to strip good owners of their animals just because they aren't beagles or boxers.


  1. I couldn't have said it better myself....beautiful words for beautiful animals. Such a loss. I certainly understand the choices made and the feeling of loss this family is experiencing.

  2. I put off reading this a few days, my heart still aches at the original news that Grimalkin, Hunter, Patience, Rupert, Falcon, and Jessie were sent to the Bridge with love, rather than spare them the alternative of being confiscated and manhandled by the clueless and heartless county buffoons.

    There is no ONE dangerous breed out there. Problem animals are caused by problem humans 99% of the time. Wolfdogs are no more prone to aggression or any of the other problem behaviours than any other dog. Issues should be dealt with on an idividual basis, not with the broad stroke of a brush that punishes the many, many innocent for the sins of a tiny fraction.

    As a canine behaviourist who has spent countless hours with many dogs and wolfdogs I can assure you they are wonderful animals in most cases.

    Blessings & Hopeful Howls,
    Camille - Lupangelicus for a Divine Dog

  3. I come here late and with a heart heavy from a wrong almost a year old. I know those who loved Grimalkin, Hunter, Patience, Rupert, Falcon and Jessie STILL ache. I come late but, I grieve as if it were mere moments ago. I knew them through an internet connection with their "Mom" and had never met them. If I hurt this much, I know the pain is with their family daily. It is hard enough when we lose beloved "furkids" though illness or accidents but, to lose them through the ignorance, fear and even hatred of strangers must be so much worse. To lose one is heart shattering to lose 6... Beyond soul shattering, imagine having your heart and soul torn from your body and you might come close to the pain.

    BSL does nothing to stop those who turn good dogs into dangerous dogs. It does nothing to educate the public in how to share their lives with animals, it does nothing to ensure public safety. What it does do is punish the innocent, those who love and care for their animals, it punishes dogs who have done nothing wrong, it leaves only the criminals with the banned dogs. It discriminates against entire breeds because of a few bad breeders and owners. It furthers the myths and lies that uneducated people believe and causes fear where none need be.

    May these 6 wolfdogs rest in the peace of knowing they were loved and cherished. May their deaths not be in vain! Today it is pitbulls, wolfdogs, rotties... tomorrow... GSDs, Dobies, Mals... the day after that... Great Pyrinese, Danes, Mastiffs... the day after that... Labs, Collies, Goldens... and after that... Those who are truly behind BSL will not stop until there are NO canine companions!!!!

  4. i am so sorry 4 yur loss, u must be heart broken about this matter, u loose yur furfriend through ill health or maybe even accident u cum 2 terms with it but 2 loose them through just ignorant ppl u must be feelin at a deep loss. my heart goes out 2 u & im sure yur fur freinds dont hold it 2 be yur fault at all, they will be over the rainbow bridge now, watchin yur sorrow 4 them...xxxxxxxxxxx
